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As an industry, steel is already at the forefront of sustainable building and construction methods with substantially less waste than a traditional approach. In a report conducted by the World Steel Association, it was recognised that...


"Renewable energy, resource efficient and energy efficient buildings and low carbon transport, infrastructure for fuel efficient and clean energy vehicles and recycling facilities – all of these things depend on steel."


  Steel is essential to the technologies and solutions that meet society’s everyday needs – now and in the future. Steel is central to our current transport systems, infrastructure, housing, manufacturing, agriculture, water and energy supply. It is also critical to the sectors and technologies that will enable and drive a green economy. Renewable energy, resource-efficient and energy efficient buildings and low carbon transport, infrastructure for fuel efficient and clean energy vehicles and recycling facilities – all of these things depend on steel. 


In addition, many of the challenges posed by population growth, urbanisation, poverty reduction and mitigation of natural disasters can best be met by steel. Steel’s two key components are iron – one of Earth’s most abundant elements – and recycled steel. Once steel is produced it becomes a permanent resource because it is 100% recyclable without loss of quality and has a potentially endless life cycle. Its combination of strength, recyclability, availability, versatility and affordability makes steel unique. 



At Tiger Steel we are committed to providing New Zealand organisations with the most sustainable steel in production from around the globe at the most competitive prices.


Our supplying mills have the newest production machinery and produce the most eco-friendly steel possible with current technology, including innovations such as:



Eco Art Furnace - maximises energy efficiency and reduces greenhouse gas emissions (energy consumption reduced 30%)


Hot Charge Production - increases energy efficiency through flexible operation of the heating furnace (improved fuel efficiency by 80% and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 15,000 tCO2eq annually


Solar Power Generation - Installed 2.7MW facility at the steel factory and now the mill is a pollutants/greenhouse gas emission zero facility


Bio Boiler - Greenhouse gas emissions reduced by another 20,000 tCO2eq annually


Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer - Fuel use reduction with process reuse through waste heat recovery


Heat Storage Heating Furnace - Heating furnace able to reduce pollutants and increasing energy efficiency through LNG fuel


LED Light Replacement - Reduced energy saving by replacing all lights within the factory

Energy Storage System - Heat storage incinerator 



Our mills also implemented the below :


  • Scrap iron is used as a recycling material in order to manufacture new steel products and manufactured using an electric furnace

  • New equipment investment to reduce environmental pollution

  • A continuous effort to improve processes to minimise environmental impact

  • Environmental Management Systems such ISO14001

  • Energy Management Systems such as ISO 50001

  • Environmental Product Declaration such as ISO14025 which  quantifies environmental information on the life cycle of a product 





  • Tiger Steel ships all our steel via vessels that are now using low sulphur fuels as per IMO2020, which has reduced the sulphur content to 0.5%, from the previous 3.5% in 2019.

  • Sulphur emissions can contribute to many environmental problems and by reducing the sulphur emissions from vessels when they burn fuel as per above, the environmental impact has been reduced considerably.





  • Tiger Steel's on-road transport environmental impact is the smallest of any supplier within New Zealand. We either deliver directly to your site or store, or stock your steel at the closest warehouse location, while importing to the closest port.


Due to industry demand, we opened for business as a specialist steel trading company in January 2013.


With the support of our foundation customers, we have been able to provide assistance to varying industries.


We are proud to be 100% owned and operated by New Zealanders.



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P.O.Box 4128

Mount Maunganui 3149
New Zealand

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